Saturday, 29 March 2014

Bacon Dust?

 Bacon, bacon , bacon... what is this obsession with bacon? Ok I love bacon too, what's not to love? How would you like to sprinkle real bacon flavor on anything you want? It’s like fairy dust only way BETTER because we can eat it!! Kids won’t eat the greens...sprinkle bacon dust on em...haha. Well folks and fellow caterers , hmmmm... real people can do this too know,,,  those people that aren’t caterers, but they won’t...hey, maybe we can sell it to them? Ok someone write that down!
 So I learned this from Emily Ellyn ( cupcake wars Caterstar), she had a powder (kinda like tapioca?) that you can buy and put in a food processor , I think it is half and half proportions. Lets say we do it with peanut butter , she did this on stage (at Catersource Conference) and voila’ have peanut butter dust !! I am not making this up... I swear... ! We don’t have to be into ‘molecular’ gastronomy science or what ever the heck they call it, this is just plain simple. Emily claims you can do this with any protein  (can you do it with fruit I wonder?) but my immediate thoughts went to bacon grease ( guilty : ) , or did she put that in my head? I don’t know what this magic dust is but she had a bag of it, and as I am writing this I know some of you are going to want to know what it is... and one of you will know... and post it. not be  putting this up your nose...hmmmm...
 Because I was behind the scenes this year I did not get to meet so many of you from Caterbuzz, and Catersource . Believe or not I ended up eating by myself more than I care to mention...and that needs to change! Trouble is at these conferences all of the cafes have line ups. It is something we need to work on before the next conference. Informal settings, sharing a meal or just a coffee or drink is my comfort zone, I need to connect over food I think. Maybe even just a simple posting on the  bulletin  board in the attendee lounge. “ hi name is Cherylle Winacott from Canada and I am having supper at the buffet tonight in same hotel as the conference . I will be there at 7:00 pm. I hate eating alone, please join me if you want. I promise to change your name if I write about”.

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