Monday, 30 December 2013

Carribean Cruise part 4

The virgin Islands are full of shopping whores and we fit right in.  If we thought we were ‘spent’ from Wednesday we were sadly mistaken. Add one more pair of flip flops , two dresses and omg.....if I am a shoe whore then a jewelry slut cannot be far behind ...add  a ring and earrings here! I wonder if there has a  kinda sexual overtone to all this... and it all has to do with a pair of shoes or a beautiful ring.  Then it becomes shopping all day ...god.... who has the energy for ‘playtime’ in we already had our fun.. Now I am just theorizing here cause we are flying solo and have spikes growing outta our legs so no one can get near us anyway. So if you’re not getting any  ...check and see if your partner has a lot of ‘stuff’ lying around.
 The ride to Coki Beach was uneventful other than they drive on the wrong side of the road (do they drive in Holland this way?) wth ...we are in the US,  so that is strange ....and with all these  beautiful islands we are visiting why can’t Canada have  one ??????  We helped fight a couple wars, Holland in particular coulda give us an Island instead of millions of tulips every year or were we too nice and said oh keep all that real estate we helped liberate for you ....but flowers would be nice?....darn! it is just not fair.
 This is by far the nicest island and it would take a long vacation here to explore all the snorkeling opportunities....we find out later we could have went to a different beach and seen sea turtles ...darn! St Thomas has one of the most beautiful beaches ’out of ten in the world’, according to readers digest (is that published in the states?) lol. We sun and we snorkel and it even poured rain for five or ten minutes then cleared up , I like it here and want to come here again ...the drive back to the ship only takes half the time an open air vehicle that seats about twenty people and was driven by one of the islands wannabe Nascar drivers .... it was pretty scary!
 We need a long shower from this excursion because we have half the island stored away in all our special places and it takes awhile to ‘desand’. The surf was pretty rough and you get rolling around in it and it is amazing what storage capacities the body
 We have a dinner date with the ships doctor (from the spa) , we met her a couple times already and she is a hoot! She is from Puerto Rico and has been on this ship only three weeks , she was on the Princess ships for three years and has been out of med school for five. She’s done volunteer work for one to three months  for the missionary causes as well, but eventually wants  to open up a practice in Miami with a partner.
 Anyway we start out with mojitos in the Tapas lounge (yep the karaoke place) then go to the dinning room for supper. The Maître D ( we met him last night at dinner when I made him appear by rubbing my teapot (‘think genie’)  and wished for a goodlooking man ...and honest to god ...there he was ! it was coincidental but everyone laughed and he was so He comes over and exchanges pleasantries and asks if he can send us some complimentary champagne .... ? are you kidding ,...drinks are outrageously expensive on cruises and free booze is always welcome....hahaha Needless to say we proceed to get feeling really good and have such a great time, even the tables around us joined in. Jacqueline (we call her Dr. Jackie, which she hates....reminds her of Nurse Jackie the TV show) is very funny , we have tears in our eyes from laughing so much. We decide to head up to karaoke after dinner , she wants to sing the Coco cabana song and none of us can remember the words but that doesn’t really matter.... who sings that song ? Like I mean who in their right mind would want to sing that song? but then....can’t be any worse than Glady’s singing lady ga ga .... so up we go.
 We are saved from humiliating ourselves (it is a full house and you needed to sign up)  it is also elimination's  for the best ones to perform next day. There is a couple bad ones that entertain us and then a gal with a country song that will be hard to get out of our heads for awhile , steps up and sings “cheater cheater where’d you meet her.... slowdown showdown white trash HOE !” ....and I am not making that up !!!! Yep , by the reception she gets and the catchy tune it is sung to , she is a potential winner...... and we leave singing that stupid song to everyone we meet on the way down to our .... now I just know Sharon is going to share that with everyone....bloody hell! (I’m assuming all who read this know  how much of an aversion I have to country music)
oh....and....we ordered  turkey in honour of our American friends .....who all ordered the beef....go figure! and of course we had the dessert ...I mean it is Thanksgiving.....mmmmm....
 We sleep in till 10:30 , I had awful dreams of dead dogs and crying kids and living in shacks....geeze ...must of had too much country  last night ! That was not a good sleep at all. The ship is at sea for two days and the activities are ramped up to high gear . We decided to join the circus and learn how to juggle and such , we should make an effort to better ourselves. The free bingo is also on the agenda....winning some cash wouldn’t hurt either , what with all the shopping we’ve been doing. We sleep though both .....ah well , there is always tomorrow. The big art auction never goes who buys paintings at sea ? The free mimosas and free lithograph and chance of a 500.00 savings on a painting (it’s a draw) do not even register on our radar..... we are not classy or snobby or art lovers I guess ....maybe we are the ‘white trashy type’ that girl was singing about last night....hmmmmm
 So we decide after brunch and too much sun (it is sunny and hot once again ....yawn)to make our plans to get to Ft. Lauderdale on Sunday for our next cruise. We make shuttle arrangements to go to the Lauderdale airport (they won’t take us to the pier) and we will grab a cab from there to the pier .....please lord let this work out for us. Our first snafu happens right away , Sharons shuttle ticket is 16.00 and mine is 25.00 , turns out Sharon is going to the Miami airport ...oh god...please let this run smooth , we change her ticket ....whew....
 We head down to our room and I decide to have a cold is still hanging on. Sharon is going to find a shady place to curl up with a book . The room is to cool for her ... BUT she could be cheating on is Black Friday upstairs and all the shops are having a sidewalk sale! 
to be continued..........
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